Natural salt

Natural salt

Salt extraction is active in the current period with rising temperatures and continues
Until the month of November, after which the quantity of production decreased due to low grades
The heat is distributed throughout the salt water basins, where the water is retained and subjected to
Natural evaporation process then salt begins to form.

Then it is dried from the remaining water, purified, and then stored
Salt extraction from about one to two weeks in the summer period and stretching in
The winter period is four weeks, and the summer season is considered the best season for the industry
Salt is where temperatures are highest and helps with the evaporation process.

The extraction of natural salt passes through several stages, starting with the immersion of water that originates from
Underground to fill the basins and then monitor the water as it evaporates and forms
Salts, and collecting salt from basins requires great skill and lightness, which is
The most important stage, after its assembly, is held for two days outside the basins in a place
It is called (Al Band), which is a passage between the basins used to prepare and dry salt from
The remaining water is then bottled, stored and sold.