Benefits of eating olive oil on an empty stomach

Benefits of eating olive oil on an empty stomach

Many people eat a little olive oil early in the morning on an empty stomach, but what are the benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach?

Eating olive oil on an empty stomach has many different health benefits, and this stems from the nutritional values of this oil, as olive oil contains fatty acids, vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of the body, so what are the most important benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach?

1- Promote colon health
The nutritional values contained in olive oil play a major role in maintaining the health and functioning of the colon. Eating olive oil on an empty stomach protects colon cells from damage and thus reduces the risk of colon cancer in particular.

In addition, olive oil improves the functioning of the colon by enhancing the work and movement of the intestines and contributing to the prevention of constipation or even its treatment.

2- Improving the health of skin, hair and nails
One of the most important benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach is that it improves the health of skin, hair, nails and even bones. Olive oil moisturizes hair and skin and nourishes both nails and bones.

There are many recipes in which olive oil is used in order to moisturize, strengthen and increase the thickness of the hair, and other recipes for both skin and nails as well.

3- Clean the liver from toxins
The liver has basic and important functions in the body. It cleans the body in order to provide a suitable environment for the various organs of the body. This means that maintaining its health and cleaning it from toxins has a positive impact on the health and functioning of the liver.

It is possible to obtain this benefit by mixing two tablespoons of olive oil from fresh lemon juice and drinking it on an empty stomach.

4- Contributing to weight loss
Olive oil has many health benefits, including contributing to weight loss, and this benefit increases with eating olive oil on an empty stomach, as eating olive oil helps to increase your feeling of satiety for a longer period, thus reducing the amount of food eaten later, and this means fewer calories.

Olive oil is also a suitable substitute for butter when cooking.

5- Strengthening the work of the immune system
Since ancient times, people have been eating olive oil on an empty stomach in order to improve the work and efficiency of the immune system in fighting various diseases, as the fatty acids in olive oil play a role in promoting the health of the immune system and supporting it in fighting pathogens that enter the body.

Other benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach
Besides all of the above, eating olive oil on an empty stomach means enjoying the following health benefits as well:

  • Protecting the heart from various diseases.
  • Reducing high cholesterol level.
  • Reducing the risk of infection.
  • Adjust blood sugar levels.
  • Promote brain health.